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 “We Repeat to her: ‘We Love you, oh! daughter.’  As she repairs Us, so do We Press her to Our Heart; as she thanks Us, praises Us, blesses Us, so do We Keep Repeating:  ‘We Thank you that you are thanking Us’, ‘We Praise you for you are praising Us’, ‘We Bless you for you are blessing Us.’  We can Say that We Put Ourselves in a Contest with her.  Heaven and earth are Astounded that their Creator Engages in a Contest with His beloved creature.” V30 – 4.23.32

Happy Birthday to Our Little mama Luisa,

Happy Celebration to All of Heaven and Earth!!!

What Jesus Said About Luisa on April 23:

Luisa, Daughter Who Lays her will Within Jesus’ Will and With her Acts Extends a Second Heaven over the Heads of All (12 – 4.23.21)

Luisa, Through her Divine Acts Jesus Looks at the Acts of the Creatures (12 – 4.23.21)

Luisa, Who will Force Jesus’ Eternal Volition to Descend Below the Spheres, so as to Triumph Over the Evil of the Human Will (12 – 4.23.21)

Luisa, Who Together with Jesus Assails the Creatures with His Volition and with His Love and Confuses Them so They Cannot Resist Them (12 – 4.23.21)

Luisa, the Littlest of All, Just Newborn (16 – 4.23.24)

Luisa, Who the Enemy Cannot Approach (16 – 4.23.24)

Luisa, Pilgrim Soul Whose Kiss All Heaven and All Created Things Await (17 – 4.23.25)

Luisa, Who has the Eyes, Hearing, Mouth, Hands and Feet of Jesus’ Will (17 – 4.23.25)

Luisa, Who Never Departs from the Origin from which she Came (17 – 4.23.25)

Luisa, Who Remains Always in Jesus’ Arms and Easily Feels Jesus’ Breath (17 – 4.23.25)

Luisa, Whose will Serves as the Dwelling for Jesus’ Will (17 – 4.23.25)

Luisa, Daughter of Jesus’ Divine Will to Who He Made Known All the Peculiarities with which Man was Created (28 – 4.23.30)

Luisa, Who Comprehended the Excess of the Supreme Being’s Love and the Right of Their Fiat to Reign in Man (28 – 4.23.30)

Luisa, Blessed Daughter of Jesus’ Volition (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, One Who Hears the Call of the Divine Will (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, One Who Possesses the Divine Will as Life (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, the Soul Who Possesses the Divine Will and Its Echo Forms the Same Echo in her (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, in Whose Power are the Heavens and Earth (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Whose Work the Divine Omnipotence and True Power Enter into (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who Diffuses herself in Everything and Everyone (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who with her Empire, Makes herself Heard by Everyone (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, The Soul Who is in the Continuous Act of Being Reborn in the Acts that She does in the Divine Will (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Reborn in Divine Love (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, the Triune God’s Beloved Creature (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Reborn in Divine Reparation (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who Holds the Disarming Power (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who Converts Scourges into Graces (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who Acquires Lives that are Nourished by Divine Sources (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who Forms an Entire Life of Thanksgivings toward her Creator (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who Forms an Entire Life of Praises and of Blessings toward her Creator (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who Forms the Fullness of Life (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Fortunate Creature Who had the Good of Acquiring Rebirths and Lives that Form in her the Most Beautiful Harmony (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who the Gaze of the Triune God is Always Fixed on (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who the Ears of the Triune God are Intent on Listening to (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who the Triune God Loves (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who the Triune God Clasp to Their Heart (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who the Triune God Thanks, Praises, Blesses as she did to Them (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Who the Triune God Place Themselves in Contest with (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, the Creator’s Beloved Creature (30 – 4.23.32)

Luisa, Jesus’ Blessed Daughter (32 – 4.23.33)

Luisa, Jesus’ Little Daughter of His Volition (32 – 4.23.33)

Luisa, Who Can do no Less Than Always Keep Present All the Acts Done by the Divine Will (32 – 4.23.33)

Luisa, in Who the Divine Will has All Its Acts with All the Order It had in Creating Them (32 – 4.23.33)

Luisa, Who Follows the Divine Acts in Order to Unite herself to Them to do what the Divine Will Itself has Done (32 – 4.23.33)

Luisa, to Who the Divine Will Gives the Cord to Take All the Triune God’s Works (32 – 4.23.33)

Luisa, God’s Clock Who, Winding the Cord, Marks the Minutes and Hours of God’s Works (32 – 4.23.33)

Luisa, Who has the Good of Knowing All the Hours of the Day of God’s Divine Will (32 – 4.23.33)

Luisa, to Who the Divine Will Gives Itself Completely Whole with the Fullness of Its Light, Sanctity, Power, and Its Works (32 – 4.23.33)


Thank you Lord for Our Little mama Luisa!

Thank you Luisa for your Fiat Voluntas Tua!


April 23 – Feast of St. George – prayer: Heroic Catholic soldier and defender of your Faith, you dared to criticize a tyrannical Emperor and were subjected to horrible torture. You could have occupied a high military position but you preferred to die for your Lord. Obtain for us the great Grace of heroic Christian courage that should mark soldiers of Christ. Amen

EASTER SUNDAY – April 4, 2021 – Birthday of Rosaria Bucci – “faithful and silent confidant of Luisa for 40 years and first promoter” for Luisa’s Cause for Beatification and Canonization – from Padre Bucci, OFM

Santa Maria Greca, pray for the Kingdom to Come through LUISA who is the reflection of the Holy Spirit on earth.

V15 – 4.14.23 – “So, the whole Church prays; and just as the tears, the penances, the prayers to obtain the Messiah were directed toward that Excelling Virgin, Mary, whom I was to Dispose in order to Centralize such a Great Good in Her, so that they might receive their Savior, even though they did not know whom She would be – in the Same Way, Now, when the Church recites the ‘Our Father’, it is precisely for you, Luisa that the Church prays, so that I may Centralize in you all the Good that My Will Contains, the ‘way’ – the ‘how’ the Divine Will may have Life on earth as It does in Heaven.  And even though you are not known, by echoing My Prayer, ‘Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’, the Church prays to Me, and presses Me to Centralize all this Good in a Second Virgin, so that, Like a Second Savior, she may Save unsafe humanity; and making use of My Inseparable Love and Mercy, I may Answer My Own Prayer, United to that of the whole Church, making man come back to his Origin, to the Purpose for which I Created him – that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.”

V29 – 5.19.31 – “Therefore, you too – follow Me and do not draw back. Besides, it shows from their way of thinking that they have calculated only your person, but have not calculated what My Divine Will Can Do, and what It Knows How to Do, and When It Decides to Operate in One creature in order to Fulfill Its Greatest Designs in the midst of the human generations, It lets no one dictate to It the Law – neither who it Must be, nor the time, nor the Way, nor the place – but It Acts in an Absolute Way.  Nor does it pay heed to certain short minds, which are unable to elevate themselves in the Divine and Supernatural Order, or to bow their forehead to the Incomprehensible Works of their Creator; and while they want to reason with their own human reason, they lose the Divine Reason, and remain confounded and incredulous.”

“Blessed are you, Luisa, and all generations will call you Blessed.

My Arm will make Works of Power in you.

You will be the Divine Reflection;

and Filling the whole earth, you will make Me Receive from all generations

that Glory which they deny to Me.”

Jesus to Luisa V13 – 11.8.21





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