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Prayer through the intercession of Sister Mary Ephrem

Sister Mary Ephrem, C.PP.S. seer of Our Lady of America and Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling, was born on August 2, 1916, Feast of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels in Brooklyn, NY. She was Baptized at Holy Trinity Catholic Church as Mildred Marie Neuzil.

She entered into Eternity on January 10, 2000, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and Feast of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

At the age of fourteen, Mildred Marie entered the active religious congregation of the Sisters of the Precious Blood, a Papal Community in Dayton, Ohio.  Three years later, Mildred made her first vows as a professed religious.  She received the name “Sister Mary Ephrem,” a name that means “doubly fruitful.”

After many mystical experiences, Sister Mary Ephrem received the great Blessing of the alleged Apparitions of Our Lady of America and Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling, and more.


For more information:

Video link:

Sister Mary Ephrem C.PP.S.

The Messages of Our Lady of America are heard through the “little white dove”

Sister Mary Ephrem-Mildred Marie Neuzil.

May she be honored as we await the Fulfillment of Our Lady’s Wishes!


Command Prayer for a Cause in the Church to begin for Sister:

Abba Father

In the Name of Jesus and His Most Precious Blood

By the Power and Love of the Holy Spirit

Under the Mantle of Our Lady of America

With all the Holy Angels and Saints

Through the Intercession of the Servant of God

Luisa Piccarreta, we pray:

O Heavenly Father, Grant that Your “little white dove,” Sister Mary Ephrem,

be honored in Your Holy Church.

She echoes the Voice of Our Lady of America.

She was chosen by Our Lady to give the last resort of blessing for humanity.

O Lord Jesus, Grant that the Holy Church recognize her Saintliness

and begin the Cause for her Canonization.

May all come to know and love Sister Mary Ephrem,

she who loved, suffered, and sacrificed everything

to promote Our Lady’s Mission for America.

O Holy Spirit, Grant that all the many Promised Miracles of healing begin,

especially that of Divine Purity.

May the Requests of Our Lady of America,

The Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of our land be Fulfilled.

May the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Dwelling in and Reigning in souls

and in Your Holy Church begin.

Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command!

May all be Accomplished and Completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will!




Jesus called her His “little  white dove”.

If we wish “Sister Mary Ephrem – Mildred Marie Neuzil” to ascent to the glory of the altar, let us give Jesus’ little white dove a chance to perform first class Miracles.

Sister Mary Ephrem’s littleness and the favors granted to her should impregnate our supplications with unquenchable confidence.

It is certainly permissible to pray for Sister Mary Ephrem’s intercession in our daily needs but let us not be afraid to implore real Miracles from Jesus’ little white dove!

Let us invoke Sister Mary Ephrem or have Jesus’ little white dove invoked in cases of fatal maladies, wherein science has to declare itself powerless.

That is when “Sister Mary Ephrem – Mildred Marie Neuzil” will be able to display the prodigious power of Jesus’ little white dove’s intercession!

Link to petition for a Cause for Sister Mary Ephrem:



For the Glory of God and of “Sister Mary Ephrem – Mildred Marie Neuzil”  Jesus’ Little White Dove.

Contact this website by completing the “Contact Us” form on main page for help with witness of favors obtained. Thank you!


La hermana Mary Ephrem, Mildred Marie Neuzil, entró en la Eternidad el 10 de enero de 2000, el día después de la Fiesta Tradicional de la Sagrada Familia, a la que dedicó su vida promoviéndola, de acuerdo con las peticiones celestiales de Nuestra Señora de América!

Los Mensajes de Nuestra Señora de América se escuchan a través de la “pequeña paloma blanca” Hermana María Ephrem. ¡Que sea honrada mientras esperamos el cumplimiento de los deseos de Nuestra Señora de America!

Oración del mando:

Padre Abba,

en el nombre de Jesús y su sangre más preciosa,

por el poder y el amor del Espíritu Santo,

bajo el manto de Nuestra Señora de América,

Con todos los santos ángeles y santos

A través de la intercesión de la sierva de Dios

Luisa Piccarreta, rezamos:

Oh Padre Celestial, concede que tu “pequeña paloma blanca”, hermana María Ephrem,

Sera honrada en Tu Santa Iglesia.

Le hace eco a la Voz de Nuestra Señora de América.

Fue elegida por Nuestra Señora para dar el último recurso de bendición para la humanidad.

Oh Señor Jesús, concede que la Santa Iglesia reconozca su santidad

Y comienze la causa de su canonización.

Que todos lleguen a conocer y amar a la hermana Mary Ephrem,

Ella que amaba, sufría y sacrificaba todo

para promover la Misión de Nuestra Señora para los Estados Unidos.

Oh Espíritu Santo, concede que todos los muchos prometidos milagros de sanacion comienzen ,

Especialmente la de la Pureza Divina.

Que las peticiones de Nuestra Señora de América,

La Virgen Inmaculada, Patrona de nuestra tierra, sean cumplidas.

Que el Reino de la Divina Voluntad, que mora y reina en las almas y en Su Santa Iglesia comienze.

¡Por favor, toma nuestra humilde oración y haz que sea tu orden!

¡Que todo se consuma y se Complete en Tu Santísima y Divina Voluntad!



Link to Petition – Spanish:


Sister Mary Ephrem/Mildred Marie Neuzil, “little white dove” Pray for us!

Pray for the fulfillment of the Wishes of Our Lady of America!

Our Lady of America and the Little White Dove video:


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