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Luisa – The Most Powerful Exorcism

“Living in the Divine Will and Knowing the Writings of the Mystical Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Dominican Tertiary, is the Most Powerful #Exorcism than any other Prayer for Liberation and has resounding Effectiveness. Those who make the Decision to accept the Gift of Living in the Divine Will and Firmly Desires it, and begin the path of Reading the “Book of Heaven” Frees himself and his Loved ones from the evil one and all demons.” 

Diocese of Isernia Venafro – Italy; Isernia-Venafro – Diocesi di Isernia-Venafro

+ carry the relic of Luisa! Fiat!

Luisa Commands the evil serpent – Volume 4 – 2.23.03 – As I was in my usual state, I found myself near a garden which seemed to be the Church. Near it there seemed to be people plotting an attack against the Church and the Pope, and in their midst there was Our Lord, Crucified, but without a Head. Who can say how painful, how horrifying it was to see His Most Holy Body in that State! I comprehended how men do not want Jesus Christ as their Head, and since the Church Represents Him on this earth, they try to destroy what Stands in His place. Then I found myself in another place in which I found other people who were asking me: “What do you say about the Church?” And I, feeling a Light within my mind, said: ‘The Church will Always be Church. At the most, She might be Washed in Her Own Blood, but this Bath will Render Her More Beautiful and Glorious.’ On hearing this, they said: “This is false – let us call our God and let us see what he says.” So a man came out who surpassed everyone in height, with a crown on his head, and he said: “The Church will be destroyed, there will be no more public services – at the most, some hidden ones; and the Madonna will no longer be recognized.” On hearing this, I said: ‘And who are you to dare to say this? Aren’t you perhaps that serpent Condemned by God to crawl on the earth? And now you are so daring as to make yourself believed a king, deceiving people? I Command you to let yourself be known for what you are.’ While I was saying this, from tall he became very, very short; he assumed the shape of a serpent, and making a flash, he plunged himself down deep. Then I found myself inside myself.

The Official exorcist of the Diocese of Isernia Venafro, Italy, with regular exorcism mandate from the Bishop, #FraPio Maria dell’Addolorata Ciampi of the Fiat Totus Tuus Community, affirms with the authority of this exorcist that: 

“Living in the Divine Will and Knowing the Writings of the Mystical Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Dominican Tertiary, is the Most Powerful #Exorcism than any other Prayer for Liberation and has resounding Effectiveness. 

Those who make the Decision to accept the Gift of Living in the Divine Will and Firmly Desires it, and begin the path of Reading the “Book of Heaven” Frees himself and his Loved ones from the evil one and all demons.” – Diocese of Isernia Venafro – Italy; Isernia-Venafro – Diocesi di Isernia-Venafro


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Luisa Piccarreta and the Divine Will

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,

By the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

One with Luisa, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will,

I enter Into the Holy Divine Will. Come Divine Will, Come beat in my every heartbeat,

Come breathe in every breath,

in the Name of everyone and everything, past, present and future;

In, With, Through and For Jesus, Mary and Luisa;

In, with and for All; that All may be for the Glory of God and the Good of All souls,

Giving to God as if All Lived In the Most Holy Divine Will;

United with Creation, Redemption and Sanctification,

Praying as One, in that One Eternal Act,

For the Kingdom to Come Reign on earth!



THE ERA OF MY THIRD FIAT.” – Jesus to Luisa

This web-site is available to all, especially to all who love Our Lord and Our Lady; and is consecrated to the Divine Will in the Name of Jesus, under the Mantle of Mary and through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Information is provided for the sake of knowing this victim soul, favored by the Two Hearts, as They found in the soul of Luisa, safe-dwelling for the deposit of all that They Wish to give to all Their children. The Cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is presently at the Vatican and all are awaiting the authorized edition of her writings. While references to the writings are provided, the information at this time reflects the person of Luisa.

Pope Benedict XVI recently stated, in human beings’ desire for God:

“…The Image of the Creator is engraved on human beings, who feel the need to find a Light to answer the questions regarding the profound meaning of reality…we need to open ourselves to something else, to someone or something that can give us what is missing. We must go out of ourselves and go toward the One Who is capable of satisfying the width and breath of our desire.”

This website is intended to aid the journey to opening ever more to “the One Who is capable”. With that, know that the long story of God’s Will is the beginning, the means and the end of human purpose, and little Luisa, whom Jesus calls the little daughter of the Divine Will, is necessary to this story. Luisa is known best without attachment to other causes.


Interview with Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri on the Vatican Biography and the Cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:


Interview with Don Sergio Pellegrini, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Trani, spiritual assistant of the association “Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will” and former Parish Priest of Santa Maria Greca, Luisa’s home Church:

– through CoratoLive – Francesca Maria Testini

What is the status of the cause, is it blocked?

“The Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is neither closed nor blocked. In November 2019, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, through a letter addressed to the Archbishop, highlighted some critical issues that emerge from the reading of Piccarreta’s writings. It is not about errors or heresies.”


A clear and important teaching of Luisa and living in the Divine Will given in video by Fr. Bucci is available. Please click below, or on “Introduction” page to view this video:


Also, click below to view “Dawn of a Mystery”, a beautiful insight into the life of Luisa:

This video on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Little daughter of the Divine Will, was published by the “Pia Associazione Luisa Piccarreta P.F.D.V.” and offers an insight into the life and times of Luisa, the little daughter of the Divine Will. It was filmed in the places she lived including her last home and includes images of her funeral. Through interviews you can learn about the important events in her life, and hear excerpts from some of the 14 thousand pages of her inspired words. We pray that this video can bring back some hope to a world that needs it, a hope that we can all live in the Divine Will.  (from “Pia Associazione Luisa Piccarreta P.F.D.V. , Corato (Bari) – Italy – copyright 2005 – all rights reserved).


 Attention: other websites have stated:

The writings of The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta are the exclusive property of the Archdiocese of Trani (letter to Bishops of October 14, 2006) and because of the delicacy of the current phase of the proceedings of the Sacred Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, and to be in complete obedience to Archbishop Pichierri (November 1, 2012), the writings of The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta will temporarily be suspended on this website until further notice.
The writings of The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta are not against any moral or dogmatic truths of the Church. This web site is in obedience to Archbishop Pichierri and joyfully awaits Holy Mother Church to proclaim The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Venerable.  This web site began out of a fervent zeal for The Servant of God, her spirituality and holiness.
Please enjoy the rest of the site.

From the Postulation for the Cause:

Luisa Piccarreta was born in Corato, province of Bari, Italy on April 23, 1865. She was baptized in the Mother Church and there received the first Sacraments in 1874. When she was 11 she became a “Daughter of Mary” and as a teenager a third-order Dominican. She received only a first grade education, and was called to serve our Lord as a victim soul at the tender age of 16.
On February 2, 1899, she was given the obedience by her spiritual director to begin a diary of her spiritual experiences, which she continued until 1938: 36 notebooks which detail her intimate rapport with heaven.
In 1926 she wrote her autobiography under obedience to her extraordinary spiritual director and Censor of her Writings, Saint Annibale Maria Di Francia. Her bed was her cell, her room her chapel, and her bed her Cross. The word which gave her life was God’s own creative Word: Fiat!
When she spoke, it was only briefly, but very wisely; the example and counsel she gave was always illuminating. Carrying invisibly the wounds of our Lord in her own crucified body made her a rare victim of intercession for mankind for more than 60 years, and any physical illness. Her nourishment for the most part of her life consisted of God’s Most Holy Will and the Eucharist.
Luisa, Precursor of the Sanctifying Third Fiat, chosen by God for the holy mission of proclaiming God’s Kingdom: “His Will now done on earth as it is in heaven”, was called into the fullness of that Kingdom on March 4, 1947.
On November 20, 1994 in the Mother Church of Corato, Mons. Carmelo Cassati, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, having received the “non obstare” from the Holy See, blessed the opening of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, secular third order Dominican.
With the Archbishop himself as president of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, joined by enthusiastic faithful from southern Italy and from around the world, Luisa began her triumphal journey toward the Honors of the Altar.
Whoever has received particular graces attributed to the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is requested to wrote to:
Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta, Palazzo Arcivescoville, 70059 Trani (BA) Italy

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