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Please pray for the surrender of Volumes 35 and 36


Please Pray the Beatification prayer  for the Surrender of Volumes 35 and 36.


While the Cause of Luisa, according to Fr. Bucci (below) is not suspended, the Vatican does await the return of Luisa’s original Volumes 35 and 36.

The following information from Fr. Bucci tells us how these Volumes came to be in the hands of Fr. Gustavo, founder of Sons of the Divine Will in Florida.

Let us pray with our Mama Mary and little Mama Luisa in the Divine Will for the surrender of the remaining Volumes of the Book of Heaven.

May all be for the Glory of God and His Church, for the good of priests and all souls, and may all be for the glory of Luisa, hastening the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth as it is in Heaven!!




Q.  There is a rumor that Luisa’s Cause has been suspended until all original writings of Luisa can be returned to the Vatican.  Is this true?

A.  In an email received from Padre Bucci on October 30th, 2006, responding to this question, (Padre wrote), “For what it concerns the Cause of the Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta, there does not exist any suspension of which I am aware”.   Padre Bucci,  is owner of the original Hours of the Passion, hand written by Luisa in 1914.   Other original works such as volumes 35 and 36 are in the possession of Fr. Gustavo, founder of the Sons of the Divine Will, a group of priests located in Saint Cloud, Florida.


Note:  In regard to how these original works came into the possession of Padre Bucci and Fr. Gustavo, Padre Bucci, when visiting the United States, indicated during one of his speaking engagements that the original volumes, 35 and 36, passed from Luisa Piccarreta after her death to his Aunt Rosaria Bucci.


The history of the volumes as reported by Padre Bucci is as follows:  On May 11, 1938 a priest representing the Holy Office arrived in Corato, and ordered Luisa to turn over the 34 volumes of her notebooks.  At that time Luisa had just completed volume 35 and had just started on volume 36.  Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria, under direction of Luisa, gave this priest the 34 volumes he requested, but Aunt Rosario hid volume 35 under Luisa’s pillows.  Luisa wrote the last chapter of Volume 36 on December 28, 1938. As soon as the order for Luisa to write ceased.  Luisa from then on no longer wrote in her diary (the 36 volumes) even though she did write letters to friends.

Three months later on August 31, 1938, a Decree was published which condemned only three books of Luisa’s that had been printed and published and these three edited works were put on the Index of prohibited books.  These three books were not Luisa’s original writings.    (These 3 books were Father Calvi’s edited writings of Luisa’s writings.) Padre Bucci emphasized that only these three edited versions of Luisa’s works were condemned.  Padre reaffirmed, “None of Luisa’s original writings were ever condemned”.

In Padre Bucci’s book “Childhood Memories” Padre states: “Indeed, after the condemnation of 1938, Aunt Rosaria came to our house wanting to burn all the objects that belonged to Luisa, but my brother, who was eighteen years old and on the point of leaving for military service, opposed this with all his might. And when he was told that those who disobey the Church go to hell, he answered: “I will go to hell, but her things will not be burned” and as a precaution, he put all the objects belonging to Luisa into a small box and took it away with him. (Padre Bucci was 3 years old at this time.)  Padre concluded, “Today they are in the care of my sister-in-law, Rita Tarantino, and her children, who guard them jealously.”

When Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria passed away in 1978, many of Luisa’s personal belongings, including these original writings of the Hours and the Volumes 35 and 36, were passed on to Padre Bucci.  When Fr. Gustavo was still in Corato, before he established his mission in the USA, Archbishop Carata asked Padre Bucci to loan the original volumes 35 and 36 to Fr. Gustavo.   Padre Bucci did this under the direction of the Archbishop of Trani.  As of the present date, these two original volumes remain in the hands of Fr. Gustavo, never having been returned to their original owner.


Fiat Voluntas Tua!

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