Reflections from the Writings
Reflections from the Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta can be found below or at top drop-down bar under “Reflections from the Writings”.

“As we desire to do His Will, the Sacrosanct Trinity Gives us His Love,
Covers us with His Beauty, Gives us His Goodness,
that we may feel the Divine Order.” Luisa Piccarreta

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
By the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
One with Luisa, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will,
I enter Into the Holy Divine Will.
Come Divine Will, Come beat in my every heartbeat, Come breathe in my every breath,
in the Name of everyone and everything, past, present and future;
In, With,Through and For Jesus, Mary and Luisa;
In, with and for All;
that All may be for the Glory of God and the Good of All souls,
Giving to God as if All lived In the Most Holy Divine Will;
United with Creation, Redemption and Sanctification,
Praying as One,
in that One Eternal Act,
For the Kingdom to Come Reign on earth!
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July 3, 1963 the Body of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta was Transferred to the Church of Santa Maria Greca On July 3, 1963 the mortal remains of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, were definitively laid to rest in the Church of Santa Maria Greca in …
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A companion book to The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
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Special brief reading for September 23, 2023 – anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign – Feast of St. Pio, who said to Rosaria Bucci: “… Luisa is great and the world will be full of Luisa.” Thy Kingdom Come! Fiat!
In this Glorious time, knowing and loving the Gift of the Divine Will, focused on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta’s holiness and spirituality, we humbly and lovingly emulate these four Nuptials Given to Luisa, longing for Union with the Most Holy Trinity. “Daughter Luisa, as you do your First Acts in My Will, the other souls receive …