The Command Prayer
to end the evils of mankind
for Holy Week, especially
Good Friday
Abba Father
in the Name of Jesus,
in the Unity and Power of the Holy Spirit,
under the Mantle of Mary,
with all the Angels and Saints,
through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,
O Heavenly Father,
In great sorrow, because of Adam’s fall
mankind is completely disordered and
gives off an unbearable stench of sin.
By Your Divine Power and Love,
for the Decorum of Your Holy Work,
put an end to all disorders, all weaknesses,
of this unbearable stench of sin.
Speak with the Divine Empire of Your Commanding Word:
“Mankind take Again your Place of Honor
as a Work Worthy of Your Creator.’”
Lord, say but the Word and we shall be healed!
“Speak Lord your servant is listening…”
O Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the Word of God and have Redeemed us.
Through the Prodigy of Your Omnipotence
may mankind be overwhelmed by Your Voice
with the Supreme Force of Your Invincible Love. (V30 – 4.2.32)
You called to life the little girl who died,
and with that same ease You called to life Lazarus,
who had been dead for four days,
saying with the Empire of Your Voice:
‘Lazarus, come out!’
At Your Commanding Voice,
Lazarus was Resurrected,
the corruption disappeared, the stench ceased,
and he came back healthy and hearty as if he had not died.
We beg You, that by the Power of Your Command,
that mankind be conquered by Your Voice.
May all feel shaken and floored, in such a way
to Rise Again from all evils and back into Good,
to Re-Enter Again into Your Divine Will,
to receive back mankind’s lost Inheritance.
Such is Your Holy Will which has Wanted it
and Decided it with Divine Decrees. (V30 – 4.2.32)
May God’s Power make the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat
Rise Again in the midst of creatures. (V30 – 4.2.32)
Lord, say but the Word and we shall be healed!
“Speak Lord Your servant is listening…”
O Most Holy Spirit,
Now is the Beginning of the Era of Sanctification.,
This was decided by a Divine Decree!
By the Commanding Word,
corruption shall disappear,
the stench of sins shall cease,
and mankind shall Come Back Again
Healthy and Holy as if he had never sinned.
We desire with Luisa to Know, Love
and Possess the Divine Will
to Let it Reign on earth as it is in Heaven.
Lord, say but the Word and we shall be healed!
“Speak Lord your servant is listening…”
O Most Holy Trinity,
completely confident in Your Divine Power,
we beg that Your Commanding Voice be heard,
that the Kingdom of Your Divine Fiat
Rise Again in the midst of creatures.
May the Empire of Your Power
invest mankind as You Originally planned.
May sin and corruption have no more life.
May Your Children Rise Again
to be Healthy, Holy and ever More Beautiful than before.
Bring the Power and Prodigies of the Divine Will through little Luisa,
so that mankind begin to know what it Means to
Live in the Divine Will, in the Likeness of our Creator. (V14 – 7.10.22)
“In Descending, the Divine Will Descends through you, Luisa,
into all those who shall let It Reign.” (V27 – 10.12.29)
Lord, say but the Word and we shall be healed!
“Speak Lord your servant is listening…”
O Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother and Queen of Heaven and Earth,
Daughter of the Heavenly Father,
Holy Mother of Our Savior and King,
Spouse and Temple of the Holy Spirit,
We anxiously await Jesus’ Glorious Return.
We anxiously await to be filled with the Holy Spirit
to Live in the New Era of the Third Fiat
linked to Luisa Piccarreta
the little daughter of the Divine Will.
Therefore, with complete Trust we pray:
“we do not deserve a Good So Great,
but God’s Power shall be able to do it!”
So we humbly deliver ourselves and all humanity
past, present and future into the Hands of Our Lord God.
With You, Holy Mother we are confident and Trust
that only in God alone is all our Hope and Joy.
May the Empire of God’s Power invest the souls of Your children.
May corruption have no more life in mankind.
May the Holy Church and all the little children of the Divine Will
Rise Again Healthy, Holy and More Beautiful than ever before.
Therefore, together with all the Hosts of Heaven and earth
we cry out with complete confidence in Jesus,
that “Everything shall be Granted!” (V20 – 1.13.27)
Lord, say but the Word and we shall be healed!
“Speak Lord your servant is listening…”
Take our humble prayer
and Make it Your Command
that all be Accomplished and Completed
in Your Most Holy Divine Will.
Taken from:
V30 – 4.2.32 – How the Divine Power shall put a limit to the evils of man, and shall say to him: “Enough up to here — Re-enter into the Divine Order” – “Mankind disordered himself yet God’s Power, for the decorum of God’s Work, that must be Perfect and Complete just as God wants it, will put with Its Power a limit to his disorders, to his weaknesses, and will say to mankind with Its Empire: ‘Enough up to here—Re-Enter into the Order, take your place of Honor as a Work Worthy of your Creator.’ These are Prodigies of Our Omnipotence that It will perform, that he will not have the strength to resist—but without strain, spontaneously, drawn and attracted by a Supreme Force, by an Invincible Love. By God’s Power, about His Love, when the two scales overflow a little bit more, and touch mankind with the Will to Conquer him, man will feel shaken and floored, in such a way that he will rise again from evil to Good, and will Re-Enter into Our Divine Will, from which he went out, so as to take his lost Inheritance. It is God’s Will that wants it and has decided it with Divine Decrees. When this is there, everything is done; and this decision is so True, that there are facts. All Jesus’ Acts ran with His Power, the touch of His Hands, the Empire of His Voice, and so forth, were all made Powerful, and with the same ease with which Jesus called to life the little girl who had died a few hours before—with that same ease Jesus called to life Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, who was already corrupted, and gave off an unbearable stench. Jesus commanded that the bandages be removed from him, and then Jesus called him with the Empire of His Voice: ‘Lazarus, come out!’ At His Commanding Voice, Lazarus was Resurrected, the corruption disappeared, the stench ceased, and he came back healthy and hearty as if he had not died—true example of how God’s Power can make the Kingdom of My Fiat rise again in the midst of creatures….
“This is a sure example of how God’s Power, in spite of the fact that mankind is corrupted, and the stench of his sins infects him, more than a cadaver—he can be called a poor one wrapped in bandages, who has need of the Divine Empire in order to be freed of the bandages of his passions—but if the Empire of My Power invests him and wants it, his corruption will have no more life, and he will rise again Healthy, and more Beautiful than before.” We do not deserve a Good so Great; but that God’s Power will be able to do it!”
Dear generous souls,
Please pray united together with all the little children of the Most Holy Divine Will throughout the entire world, The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ before a Crucifix.
Begin Holy Thursday evening from 5pm to 10pm
8+ hours of sleep
rise at 7am to pray/read (the 13th Hour) to and including (the 24th Hour) on Good Friday.
Begin to pray/read on Holy Thursday evening at 5pm (not including the Reflections and Practices each hour)
Pray/read the 1st Hour (from 5pm to 6pm), continue to read the subsequent Hours
until bedtime at 10:00pm (by finishing the 12th Hour).
(It does not take a full hour to read each hour, but use these 5 hours to comfort Jesus in His Passion.)
For example:
Begin at 5:00pm Holy Thursday praying the 1st Hour (possibly 20-25 minutes to read),
then continue to pray/read the 2nd, 3rd, 4th Hours etc.,
up to the (12th Hour from 4am to 5am) before retiring for the night by 10:00pm.
Make sure you get your 8+ hours of sleep (recommended) and begin again at 7am where you left off,
at (the 13th Hour from 5am to 6am) pray/read to the end of (the 24th Hour from 4pm to 5pm).
Please stay with Our Lord in His Passion from Holy Thursday at 5pm to Good Friday and to comfort Our Lady at Jesus’ Burial at 5pm.
Again, we will not pray the Reflections and Practices at the end of each hour.
It is highly recommended that we pray the 24 Hours of the Passion before a Crucifix.
This is the most Essential and Advantageous time of Prayer in these difficult times, all for the Glory of God and the Salvation and Sanctification of souls, so the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven
may have Its Completion and Fulfillment!
The first 3 links have the written along with the audio, the last 3 links are audio files only. Use these however best helps the Global Cause. Fiat!
1. Holy Thursday – Hours 1-12
2. Good Friday – Hours 13-24
3. Entire Passion 1-24
download The 24 Hours of the Passion at:
Audio Files
4. Hours 1-12
5. Hours 13-24
6. Hours 1-24