America is suffering – disease, division, distrust, unrest, injustice, abortion – just to name a few.
Can we heal ourselves of these afflictions? The reality is that we cannot. Just as it is beyond our nature to redeem ourselves, it is also beyond our nature to heal our nation, when the reason for our suffering is that we have turned away from God. When God is removed from our lives, then only evil remains. Oh, what a sad state.
But do not loose hope. There is a way back! History shows a nation, a culture and a people can turn back from the brink by turning to God and seeking His Mercy, Forgiveness and Grace. History also shows that seeking this from the Sacred Heart of Jesus is most certain if we ask through the intercession of His Blessed Mother as our Advocate.
One of the most vivid and powerful examples of Our Lady’s intercession was at the Battle of Lepanto. This was a naval battle of epic proportions between the Ottoman Empire and Christian Europe in 1571. Against all odds the Christian Fleet was victorious over the larger and more powerful Ottoman Fleet. This was not by happenstance, but rather due to the intercession of Our Lady.
If you have not read about it here is a good link.
For months leading up to the battle, Pope Pius V had urged Catholics to offer the daily rosary for the morale and good fortune of the Christian forces against the mightier Ottoman fleet. On October 7, 1571 a reported 600 naval ships clashed in battle. By day’s end the Christian fleet prevailed. Shortly thereafter, Pope Pius V named October 7th as the feast day of Mary, Queen of Victory in recognition and thanksgiving for the victory at Lepanto.
The United States of America enjoys a great advantage over that of Christian Europe in 1751. Mainly, that Our Lady is already our nation’s patroness, intercessor, protector, and advocate. It’s official! In 1792, the first bishop of the United States, Bishop John Carroll, consecrated our nation to Mary under her title The Immaculate Conception, and in 1846, the United States bishops unanimously chose Mary under that title as Patroness of the United States of America. Since then it has been renewed multiple times.
Contemplate for just a moment how blessed we are to have “She who is the Mother of God” as our patroness, intercessor, protector and advocate! Need I say more?
In 1956, Sr. Mary Ephrem was inspired in prayer to write the messages known as Our Lady of America. In these writings she points us to Our Lady, The Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America, in short – Our Lady of America, as the means by which our families and nation can be healed, through God’s Grace.
Across our nation, there are many groups of the faithful that are already pleading Our Lady to come to our aid. Tuesday, December 8th is the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception. This title refers to the dogmatic recognition that the Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved from the stain of any sin, both in her conception and in her life. This singular privilege was given only to her who was destined to be the Mother of God Incarnate. This Catholic Doctrine is perfectly in harmony with her wonderful sanctity and preeminent dignity as Mother of God.
I urge you to start today a Novena (9 consecutive daily Rosaries) in anticipation of this great feast. Thousands upon thousands across our nation are praying this Novena.
Very few understand the power of Our Lady’s intercession. Those of us who do, must exercise this gift on behalf of our nation and beg Our Lady’s advocacy before the Throne of Her Son, Jesus. These prayers will reach the Sacred Heart!
Please, start today!