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Now is the time for the Proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom

Now is the Time for the Proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Our Lady of America at Rome City, Indiana

Matthew 24:14 – “This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

V23 – 1.18.28 – “Now, that which I Manifest on My Divine Will, and which you write, Luisa, can be called ‘the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will’.  In nothing does It oppose either Sacred Scriptures or the Gospel which I Announced while being on earth; on the contrary, It can be called the Support of one and of the other.  And this is why I Allow and I Call priests to come – to read the Gospel, all of Heaven, of the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat, so as to say, as I said to the Apostles:  ‘Preach It throughout the whole world.’ 

V23 – 8.23.28 – “The Truths about My Fiat are the New Gospel of the Kingdom of My Divine Will, in which they (the ones who have this great honor to publish the Truths on My Holy Will) shall find the Norms, the Sun, the Teachings on how to ennoble themselves, elevate themselves to their Origin, and take the State given to them by God at the Beginning of Creation.  They shall find the Gospel which, taking them by the hand, shall Lead them into True Happiness, into Constant Peace.  The only Law shall be My Will which, with Its Brush of Love, Dipped in the Vivid Colors of Its Light, shall Give Back to man the Likeness of his Creator.”

V25 – 2.22.29 – “Courage, My daughter, there is just about a little left for the Writings on My Divine Fiat.  My Very Silence says that I AM about to Complete the Great Manifestations of the Gospel of the Kingdom of My Divine Will.  So I did in the Kingdom of Redemption:  during the last days of My Life, I did not add anything else; on the contrary, I hid Myself; and if I said anything it was a Repetition, in order to Confirm what I had already said, because what I had said was Sufficient so that all might receive the Goods of being Redeemed – it was up to them to take advantage of it.  So it shall be for the Kingdom of My Divine Will:  once I have said everything, in such a Way that nothing may be lacking in order to be able to Receive the Good of Knowing It, and to be able to Possess All of Its Goods, then I shall have no more Interest in keeping you Luisa on earth – it shall be up to them to take advantage of it.”

+Archbishop P.F. Leibold – “So it well behooves each and every one to increase our faith in God’s Providential care of us – but at the same time to look within to be sure we are “seeking first the Kingdom of God and His Justice” in all things.” (letter to Sister Mary Ephrem September 12, 1955)

St. Joseph – “It is time. Kneel my beloved daughter, for God is about to reveal to you a secret of the interior life. Few there are who learn it and fewer they who live it in its fullness. This secret, dear child, is living with Him Who is within you and has made of your soul His kingdom. There are many who know this Doctrine, but few to whom God reveals its secret operations…” (letter from Sister Mary Ephrem to Rev. Leibold – April 12, 1958)

St. Michael the Archangel – Write! I am Michael, Angel Captain of the Lord God of Hosts. I come to announce the coming of the Kingdom, the Kingdom of Peace. The time is at hand. Repent, bestir yourselves, oh sons of men, repent and make ready your hearts that the King may establish His Kingdom within you. Do not delay or the time of grace will pass and with it the peace you seek. Behold the Queen of Angels and of men comes beforehand to make all things ready for her King-Son. My little sister, the message is a clear one there is no doubt. Make it known, do not hesitate. I, Michael, have spoken.” (letter from Sister Mary Ephrem to her confessor Rev. Leibold – May 8, 1957)

Our Lady of America – “Oh my sweet child, when will my Desires be realized? My Immaculate Heart Desires with Great Desire to see the Kingdom of Jesus, my Son, Established in all hearts.” (Notes from Sister Mary Ephrem to Rev. Leibold – February 2, 1960)

Command Prayer

Abba Father,

In the Name of Jesus,

In the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,

 Under the Mantle of Our Lady of America,

With All the Holy Angels and Saints,

Through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,

we pray,

O Heavenly Father, OUR LADY OF AMERICA Must be known

in the Church and throughout the world

to bring about Her Wishes of Divine Purity in souls,

the holding back of chastisements,

and Peace in the world,

Through the Divine Will Dwelling in the hearts of Her little children.

O Lord Jesus, You have Prepared and Disposed

The Church and the world

by means of Acts of Absolute Dominion by Your Mother,


Overwhelm Your Bishops of the United States of America

by Making a Great Prodigy,

so the Bishops will not be able to resist carrying out the Wishes


O Holy Spirit, may the Bishops of the United States of America

Complete the Procession of the Statue of OUR LADY of AMERICA

in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception

in Washington DC.

May they approve Our Lady’s Apparitions

to Sister Mary Ephrem without restrictions,

that Our Lady may Manifest Her Most Beautiful Shades,

Most Striking Colors and all that Our Lady Wishes to Reveal with So Much Love.

O Triune God, the Manifestations and Knowledges that OUR LADY of AMERICA

Longs to Reveal about Herself to Her children in the Church and the world

Shall be Balm to Heal the wounds produced by the human will.

All shall feel a New Life of Light, Grace and Strength Flow within

as souls come to know Her.

These Manifestations shall wage a Sweet Battle against the Bishops

and all human wills, Conquering all.

These Knowledges shall be an Immensely High and Strong Wall,

Preventing the enemy from harming Our Lady’s Bishops and all Her little children.

With this, all shall come to Live in the Kingdom of Our Lady,

The Kingdom of the Mother and Queen of the Most Holy Divine Will.


Please take our humble prayer and make it Your Command.

Let All be Accomplished and Completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will.

“Everything shall be Granted!” (V20 – 1.13.27)



Amen! So Be It!

Taken from V19 – 8.14.16  

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