Click on each month for important daily feasts or events and any corresponding links.
Monthly Reminders
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February Reminders
Month of the Passion of Our Lord See below Reminders document for Fr. B. Thomas Celso’s day of recollection document: “Luisa and Echoing in the Divine Will – Part I”
March Reminders
Month of St. Joseph 78th Anniversary of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta’s Entrance Into Heaven Reading document for Day of Recollection March 8th:
September Reminders
Month of Our Lady of Sorrows “By Thy Holy and Immaculate Conception O Mary, Deliver us from evil.” 2024 By the Grace of God and His Great Goodness towards His little ones, through Our Lady and our little mama Luisa, many Faith-filled events are coming. 1. The Cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta …
October Reminders
Month of the Holy Rosary Divine Will retreat document below “October Reminders”: “Luisa and Conquering in the Divine Will – part 1”.