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April 7, 2024 is DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY – please find (below) “Divine Mercy April 7 – Eclipse April 8, 2024” – highlighting the Words of Our Lord Jesus to Luisa on the Divine Mercy and the Importance of “Eclipse” in the Book of Heaven. This document also includes the brief, astounding events of April 8th.

April 8, 2024 is the ANNUNCIATION with the “Great American Eclipse.” The eclipse enters the United States of America in the town called Jonah and passes through the places Our Lady Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem. Jonah declared, “forty days more…”

After 40 days and nights of reading/praying the Titles of Luisa, we prayed for the Sealing of the Holy Communities on March 4, 2024.

Now, after the Eclipse of the Sun on April 8th, beginning April 9 – May 18, we will again read/pray “40 days more” of the Titles of Luisa to prepare for the Solemnity of Pentecost!

Link to the “Titles of Luisa” – from April 9 to May 18 – eve of Pentecost:

Titles of Luisa:







V17 – 5.4.25 – “…and you Luisa,

for the Mission of My Divine Will,

as the Holy Spirit shall Display His Love in you Luisa,

Manifesting to you Luisa, His Secrets, the Prodigies of My Divine Will,

the Goods It Contains, in order to Make Happy those who shall Give themselves

to Knowing How Much Good this Supreme Will Contains,

to Love It and to let It Reign in their midst,

offering their souls to let It Dwell within their hearts,

that It may be able to Form Its Life in them.

And the Bond of Inseparability shall be added between you, Luisa,

the Mother Mary and the Eternal Word.”


Abba Father,

In the Name of Jesus,

in the Unity, Power, and Love of the Holy Spirit

under the Mantle of Mary, our Mother and Queen

with all the Holy Angels and Saints,

through the Intercession of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta;

In our childlike simplicity, we pray to the Holy Spirit:

“Spirit Sanctifier, Hurry, I implore You, I pray You again

make Your Will Known to All,

so that by Knowing It, they may Love It,

and may Welcome Your First Act of their Complete Sanctification

that is Your Holy Will.” V17 – 5.17.25

Please Take our humble prayer

and make it Your Command,

that all be Accomplished and Completed

in Your Most Holy Divine Will.

We Believe! We Receive!


Amen! So Be It!

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