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Have confidence in Jesus, Mary and little Luisa

Surely you know what is written below, but we humbly ask that you also know that all our hearts are always one with Jesus and Mary through little Luisa.

It is with sadness and the shedding of tears with Jesus and Mary that we endure this little ‘setback’, however we also know that nothing can stop this Divine Decree, as Jesus told Luisa:

V25 – 1.1.29 – “Therefore, on Our Part, the Divinity has decided with Indelible and Unshakeable Decrees that Our Divine Will Come to Reign upon earth – and no one can move Us; and as the sign of this, We have dispatched from Heaven the Army of Its Knowledges. If it were not so, it would not be worthwhile to place the so many Values of a Divine Will at risk; just as they have remained hidden to man for many centuries, so could they continue. Now We are waiting for the creatures’ part, who are still temporizing from making up their minds, especially those who temporize from occupying themselves with Making Known the Secrets of My Divine Will and the great Good of Its Knowledges. Human will, how ungrateful you are; I AM waiting for your decision so that We may Exchange the Kiss, and I may give you the Kingdom that I have Prepared for you. And you temporize still? My daughter, pray and place no obstacle on your part to a Good So Great, that shall be the Greatest Display of Our Love.”

V25 – 3.31.29 – “…and when the Divinity Decrees, no one can move It…”

V28 – 7.9.30 – “In fact, it is a Decree of the Divinity that the Kingdom of My Divine Will be Known; and when We Decree there is no human power that can resist Us; at the most, it shall be a matter of time. And in spite of the oppositions and adverse judgments of these authoritative people, I shall make My Way; and if these, with their judgments, want to bury a Good so Great and so many Divine Lives of My Truths, I shall put them aside and shall make My Way, disposing other people, more humble and simple, and who more easily believe in My Admirable and Multiple Ways that I use with souls. And with their simplicity, instead of finding quibbles and difficulties, they shall recognize, as Gift of Heaven, what I have Manifested on My Divine Will; and these shall serve Me in an Admirable way to Propagate in the world the Knowledges about My Fiat.”

V30 – 1.3.32 – “…the Kingdom of My Divine Will is from on high, from the Heavens, Formed and Decreed in the midst of the Divine Persons – no one can touch It or disperse It.”

V35 – 12.21.37 – “My Good daughter, it has been Decreed in the Consistory of the Sacrosanct Trinity that My Divine Will shall have Its Kingdom on earth; and as many Prodigies as this shall take, We shall make them. We shall hold nothing back in order to have what We want. But in Operating We always use the simplest ways, though Powerful, such as to overwhelm Heaven and earth and all the creatures in the Act that We want.”

V36 – 6.5.38 – “what We Established has to be accomplished. This is why We come back Fighting, Calling the creatures to Live in Our Will: to let all that has been Decreed and Established be punctually accomplished.”

We also know of the great difficulty and sadness throughout the world that followed when the Writings were confiscated and brought to the Vatican in 1938. We can see now after this current setback that the Churches throughout Italy and elsewhere in the world are closed at this time. Jesus told Luisa that when the Churches close it is Jesus Himself who is closing them:

V2 – 10.1.99 – “There are some who offend Me directly, and some who, though they could prevent so much evil, do not bother doing it; so, I do not know to whom to turn. But I shall chastise them in such a way as to render them incapable, and some I shall destroy completely. They shall reach such a point that the churches will remain deserted, with no one to administer the Sacraments.”

V12 – 2.12.18 – “Ah! My daughter, when I allow that churches remain deserted, ministers dispersed, Masses reduced, it means that the sacrifices are offenses to Me, the prayers insults, the Adorations irreverences, the confessions amusements, and without Fruits. Therefore, no longer finding my Glory, but rather, offenses, nor any Good for them, since they are of no use to Me anymore, I remove them. However, this snatching ministers away from my Sanctuary means also that things have reached the ugliest point, and that the variety of scourges shall multiply. How hard man is – how hard!”

V12 – 9.4.18 – “So, I cannot Trust anyone; I AM forced to allow that the peoples go far away from churches, from the Sacraments, so that their contact may not poison them more and render them more evil. My sorrow is great, the Wounds of My Heart are deep. Therefore, pray, and united with those few Good who are left, compassionate My bitter Sorrow.

We humbly ask that you, the little children of the Divine Will, continue to encourage the little family of Luisa throughout the world. Continue to be faithful to Him and His Holy Church, living in Peacefulness, praying and awaiting her Beatification, for the benefit of the Church and the world. We know that the destiny of the world weighs upon Luisa, as Jesus said to her:

V12 – 1.25.19 – “It is from within you that I allot the destiny of the world; it is your humanity that shelters Me, just as Mine did for My Divinity.”

V12 – 5.4.19 – “Ah! daughter, from within your heart I AM allotting the destiny of the world. Your heart is the Center of My Throne upon earth; and from My Center I look at the world, the madness of creatures, the precipice which they are preparing; while I AM as though put aside, as if I were nothing for them. And I AM forced to withdraw the Light, not only of Grace, but also of their very natural reason, to confound them and make them touch with their own hands who man is, and what man can do. And from within your heart I look at him, and I cry and pray for the ungrateful man; and I want you together with Me, crying and praying, and suffering for My relief and company.”

V16 – 2.5.24 – “…have you forgotten that I AM not only in your heart, but in the whole world, and that from within you I direct the destiny of all creatures?”

V18 – 1.30.26 – “My daughter, have Patience; remember that the destiny of the world weighs upon you.”

V21 – 4.16.27 – “…just as I Entrusted the destiny of My Sacramental Life to My Beloved Mother, in the Same Way I wanted to Trust you, Luisa, Entrusting to you, Luisa, the destiny of the Kingdom of My Will.”

The late Archbishop Pichierri, of fond memory, said that the theological questions concerning the Writings shall be answered. Jesus Himself assured Luisa that they shall find the Truth in her Writings:

V3 – 1.8.00 – “I assure you that they shall find not a shadow of vice or anything which is not Virtue, because while you write, I Myself Guide your hand. At the most, they may find some errors at first sight, but if they look at it thoroughly, in it they shall find the Truth.”

V16 – 2.10.24 – “…in My All-Seeingness, I see that these Writings shall be for My Church like a New Sun that shall Rise in Her Midst; and drawn by Its Blazing Light, creatures shall apply themselves in order to be Transformed into this Light and become Spiritualized and Divinized, in such a way that, as the Church shall be Renewed, they shall Transform the face of the earth.

“…Now, as He was saying this, He showed me a table in the middle of the Church, and all the Writings about the Divine Will placed upon it. Many venerable people surrounded that table and became Transformed into Light and Divinized; and as they walked, they Communicated that Light to whomever they encountered. Then Jesus added: “You shall see this Great Good from Heaven, when the Church shall receive this Celestial Food, that shall Strengthen Her and make Her Rise Again in Her Full Triumph.”

V17 – 9.17.24 – “I Bless these Writings from the Heart. I Bless each Word; I Bless the Effects and the Value they contain. These Writings are Part of Myself.” Then He called the Angels, who Prostrated themselves, their faces to the ground, to pray. And since two Fathers/Priests were there present, who were supposed to see the Writings, Jesus told the Angels to touch their foreheads in order to Impress in them the Holy Spirit, so as to Infuse in them the Light in order to Make them Comprehend the Truths and the Good that are in these Writings. The Angels Executed that, and Jesus, Blessing us all, disappeared.

We thank you dear little children of the Divine Will for your great love for The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, and for the Divine Will. Please continue to be faithful to Jesus and His Holy Church and to the little family of Luisa. Jesus needs your complete trust in Him and His Holy Church. Continue to encourage all the little children of the Most Holy Divine Will during this “new phase” as Don Sergio, Pastor of Santa Maria Greca Church and Official Secretary for the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta has asked us, as well as faithfulness to Archbishop D’Ascenzo.

And with trusting confidence in Jesus and Mary through Luisa, we pray that the Sun of the Divine Will shall follow Its Course for His Holy Church and world.

V17 – 4.26.25 – “…let the Eternal Sun of My Will Follow Its Course, whether through the Writings, or through print, or through your words and your manners. Let It Escape like Light, and Cover the whole world – I Long for it, I Want it.”


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