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Excerpt from Letter 2 of Saint Di Francia to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:
Messina, June 20, 1924

“These are writings that must now be made known to the world. I believe they will produce great good. For as sublime as this science of the Divine Will is, so do these writings of divine dictation present it, clearly and limpidly. In my opinion, no human intellect would have been able to form them.”     Saint Annibale Maria di Francia

An Introduction Book on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, which includes an introduction written by Fr. Bucci O.F.M., The Three Appeals, St. Annibale Di Francia, important excerpts from the Book of Heaven, and pertinent quotes on Luisa and her writings can be found below. Father Bucci’s Introduction and Biography on Luisa can also be found below separately.



The thirty-six Volumes of the ‘Book of Heaven’, the Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta – divided into three parts:

Volumes 1 – 10      Divine Mirrors – How to Become a Divine Mirror of Jesus

Volumes 11 – 19     How to Live in the Divine Will Through the Power of the Holy Spirit

Volumes 20 – 36    How to Receive the Divine Inheritance of the Father

* The Typical Edition will be published through the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie.


A Letter written by Luisa…

to Federico Abresh can be found below, or at top drop-down bar, Letter No. 65. With her own words, one can well understand the living in the Divine Will.


As co-founder with Sr. Assunta Marigliano of the Association of the Divine Will, Fr. Bucci…

spent many years as spiritual advisor of the Association which was canonically erected on March 4, 1987 in Corato, Italy, where Luisa lived. He is currently a member of the Tribunal for the Cause for Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, which was opened on the Feast of Christ the King in 1994, in the main church of Corato by Archbishop Carmello Cassati, now emeritus, in his role as Promoter of the Faith.

relic card of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

On November 28, Feast of the Miraculous Medal, +Archbishop Reginaldo Addazi O.P.  grants permission to print prayer cards of Luisa with relic giving her the title “Servant of God” (1948) 

Video by Padre Bernardino Bucci, OFM:



The following Certificate by Msgr. Savino Giannotti, the Vicar General…

was written at Trani, Italy on July 30, 2003, concerning Fr. Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, author of the biographies and other information about the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:

Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie – Nazareth
70059 TRANI – VIA BELTRANI, 9 – TEL.0883-583498

The Vicar General, Msgr. Savino Giannotti

Trani, July 30, 2003


Fr. Bucci wrote the following In order to understand well the spirituality of the Servant of God:

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is Catholic; her life was a total submission to the sacerdotal authority, that is, to the infallible Magisterium of the Church. The Servant of God constantly reaffirmed to who were near her, among whom also my aunt Rosaria Bucci, this concept:

“If the Church declares that everything that I have written is false, you must consider it false; if the Church in its infallible Magisterium, and in its age-old prudence, declares false everything that has been written, it means that the demon has deceived me, and only the Church has the power to unmask it.”

Every day the Servant of God attended Holy Mass celebrated in her room, receiving the Most Holy Eucharist daily. She urged everyone to go to Mass on Sunday, and one time rebuked my sister Maria because she had not gone there. This said, it is unthinkable to attribute to the Servant of God behaviors that are not conformed to the Magisterium and to the Precepts of Holy Mother Church.In order to understand well the spirituality of the Servant of God, the following requirements are necessary:

1. The groups must be formed by Eucharistic souls;

2. The groups must be devoted to the Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God;

3. They must be submitted, in everything, to the authority of the Church and especially to their own Bishop, who is the only guarantee of the Faith in the local Church;

4. All the writings that make reference to the diaries of Piccarreta, must be read and interpreted, only and solely, in the light of Sacred Scripture and of the Magisterium of the Church.

The groups must have as spiritual father, priests of sure orthodoxy, and who are legitimately incardinated in their own dioceses or, if religious, in the order they belong to.

The groups must gradually form and watch out for inappropriate fanaticism or inappropriate

interpretations. Watching out for these inappropriate interpretations they should certainly avoid attitudes that border on heresy.

Our duty is exactly this: a correct interpretation of the writings of Piccarreta in the light of the Magisterium of the Church; this is the precise will of this soul all of God, and very faithful and very obedient daughter of the Church.

One who acts otherwise, is certainly a diabolical being who wants to hinder the fulfillment of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, of which the Servant of God is the bearer.

…At this time, responding to these e-mails, I, Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, urge you to not give credit to and to refuse whatever interpretations of the writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta that are contrary to the Magisterium of the Church, and I invite you to spread this letter of mine to all the groups who, like you, find themselves in difficulty.

FIAT      P. Bernardino Bucci



Mons. Guiseppe Carata

Arcivescovo Di Trani – Nazareth E Barletta

Amministratore Perpetuo Di Bisceglie

4th of March of 1987

We consider as a perennial and authentic gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church of Christ, the rising and the spreading, according to the time’s needs, of Movements, Groups and Associations, which identify and appreciate the various charisms poured for the benefit of the community, and which contribute to the perfection of the Christian life, as well as to an authentic and ever growing witnessing in the world, to the most humble and charitable service, and to the most fraternal communion.

With highest gratitude to God our Father, We note a special abundance of this gift of the Holy Spirit in Our beloved Church Community in the period after the Vatican Council, which We undoubtedly define as “a Spring for the Church”, observing—as the fruit of a deeply lived experience within the Church according to the dictates of the Second Vatican Council—the blooming of Pious Associations and Movements, of certain Christian-catholic inspiration, through which the faithful live more visibly the mystery of the communion with Christ, participate responsibly in the life of the Church, and perform functions and ministries with awareness and competence, and in the harmony of unity and charity.

Among these Associations, the one called “LITTLE CHILDREN of the DIVINE WILL” was recently established in Corato. Its main purpose is the Christian education and the ascetic perfection, in the spirit and with the practice of a community prayer of Its members, in the light of the example, the teachings and the writings of the Dominican Tertiary LUISA PICCARRETA, who died in odor of sanctity in Corato, in 1947.

Therefore, having examined the request, which We received by the promoter Sister Assunta Marigliano, in the name of all the supporters, on February 15, 1987;

Having examined and approved ad experimentum the Statute containing the purpose of the Association, the instruments for the education, the organisms of direction and other basic norms, as well as the apostolic projection of the Association;

As laid down by cann. law 299, §§ 2 and 3; 300 etc.;


The PIOUS ASSOCIATION “Luisa Piccarreta” LITTLE CHILDREN OF THE DIVINE WILL with center in Corato (Archdioceses of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie) in via Nazario Sauro n.25.

The established Association will be ruled by the general norms of CJC (cann. 321-326) and by the above mentioned Statute which We approved.

In full uniformity and submission to the Divine Volition, which appears to Us clear in this, through the signs of the times, through the fervor of the supporters and their beneficial fruits in the apostolic field, We encourage and exhort all to continue in their good intentions of sanctity and ministry for the Church, sustained by copious celestial blessings.

Given in Trani, from Our Archbishop’s Palace, on the 4th of March of 1987, on the fortieth anniversary of the pious transit of Luisa Piccarreta.

For more information, please write to:

Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta, Little Children of the Divine Will

Via Nazario Sauro, 25

70033 Corato (BA) Italy


A recent letter from Fr. Bucci regarding Cardinal William Keeler Archbishop Emeritus in Baltimore:

Dear brothers and sisters in the Divine Will,

I desire to thank you to have welcomed me with affection in my visit to USA.

I hope that this meeting has been profitable for all of you and that can continue in your walk for the knowledge of the message that God has left each other through the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

With a lot of pleasure I communicate you a beautiful news:

Few days before departing, I have met the cardinal William Keeler Archbishop Emeritus in Baltimore.

During this important meeting, I have asked to the cardinal to send a letter to Rome to solicit the good course of the cause of beatification of Luisa Piccarreta.

The cardinal Keeler has welcomed my application and on October 16 he has sent a letter to the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints in which he recommends the cause of beatification of the Venerable Luisa Piccarreta.

The cardinal has also sent me a copy of this letter.

We hope that this letter of the cardinal gives good results so that the dear Luisa both as soon as possible proclaimed Saint.

I will remember your families and you in my prayers. God blesses you and makes you grow in the Divine Will.

Fiat Father Bernardino Bucci.




Transferring human will to the divine will

VATICAN CITY, 1 FEB 2012 (VIS) – This morning in the Paul VI Hall the Holy Father received thousands of pilgrims from around the world in his weekly general audience. As part of a series of catecheses dedicated to the prayers pronounced by Christ, he focused his remarks on Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane…Benedict XVI invited the faithful to pray to God, placing before Him “our fatigue, the suffering of certain situations and of certain days, our daily struggle to follow Him and to be Christians, and the burden of evil we see within and around us, that He may give us hope, make us aware of His closeness and give us a little light on life’s journey”.

Returning then to Jesus’ prayer, the Pope focused on “three revealing passages” in Christ’s words: “Abba, Father, for you all things are possible; remove this cup from me; yet, not what I want but what you want”. Firstly, Benedict XVI said, the Aramaic word “Abba” is used by children to address their fathers, “therefore it express Jesus relationship with God the Father, a relationship of tenderness, affection and trust”. Secondly, Jesus’ words contain an acknowledgment of the Father’s omnipotence “introducing a request in which, once again, we see the drama of Jesus’ human will in the face of death and evil. … Yet the third expression … is the decisive one, in which the human will adheres fully to the divine will. … Jesus tells us that only by conforming their will to the divine will can human beings achieve their true stature and become ‘divine’. ... This is what Jesus does in Gethsemane. By transferring human will to the divine will the true man is born and we are redeemed”.

When we pray the Our Father “we ask the Lord that ‘your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’. In other words, we recognise that God has a will for us and with us, that God has a will for our lives and, each day, this must increasingly become the reference point for our desires and our existence. We also recognise that … ‘earth’ becomes ‘heaven’ – the place where love, goodness, truth and divine beauty are present – only if the will of God is done”.


The Dignity of the Human Person: Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Divinization in the Trinitarian Encyclicals By Carl E. Olson – editor of

This document on the reality of divinization can be found below, or at top drop-down bar under “Introduction”.  It states:

 “Within the Church there must be a growing understanding of the reality and the meaning of divine adoption. Without it there constantly exists the increased possibility of belief in “do-goodism” as a means of achieving heaven, as well as a distorted understanding of the Church, the liturgy and the sacraments. Each of these can only be understood and appreciated more fully when grasped in the context of divine sonship and the reality of God’s true Fatherhood. Divine adoption is the source of our oneness in Christ, the heart of our familial bond.”

Permanent link to this article:

Introduction Book

  An Introduction Book on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta including an introduction by Fr. Bucci O.F.M., The Three Appeals, St. Annibale Di Francia, important excerpts from the Book of Heaven, and pertinent quotes on Luisa and her writings.


Luisa Piccarreta The Little Daughter  of the Divine Will Written by Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci Parish Priest Cappuccino Immaculate Church – Trinitapoli (Foggia) 1980 With Ecclesiastical Approval   INTRODUCTORY NOTE The following pages contain the translation from the original text in Italian of a Biography of Luisa Piccarreta written by Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, in …

Introduction document

 An Introduction to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta as found in the biographical notes from the work of Fr. Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, O.F.M, Luisa Piccarreta Collection of Memories of the Servant of God”   The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta was born in Corato in theProvinceofBari, onApril 23,1865and died there in the odor of …

Letters of Luisa – #65 to Federico Abresch

From the Letters of Luisa – #65 To Federico Abresch In Voluntate Dei! My dearest son in the Divine Will, Forgive my delay. I let you know that I am always in the Divine Volition, in which I want – and so does Jesus – to find all my children, near and far – that …

The Dignity of the Human Person: Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Divinization

The Dignity of the Human Person: Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on Divinization in the Trinitarian Encyclicals By Carl E. Olson Originally published in Saint Austin Review in 2002. A witness to the horrors of Nazism and Communism, Pope John Paul II saw first-hand the physical and spiritual destruction wrought by the disordered desire to …