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God’s Plan through Our Lady of America
Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling
VIDEO: Our Lady of America and the Little White Dove
Live Eucharistic Adoration
VIDEO: Saints of the Last Days
Fr. Jim Blount – Introduction to the Divine Will and Luisa Piccarreta
WHAT IS NEEDED – If we wish the Servant of God to continue, and even hasten, her ascent to the glory of the Altar, let us give her a chance to perform first class Miracles. Luisa’s holiness and the favors as the little daughter of the Divine Will already granted should impregnate our supplications with unquenchable confidence. It is certainly permissible to pray to Luisa in our daily needs, but let us not be afraid to implore real Miracles from her. Let us invoke Luisa or have her invoked in cases of fatal maladies, wherein science has to declare itself powerless. That is when Luisa Piccarreta will be able to display the prodigious power of her intercession.
MAKE KNOWN THE FAVORS RECEIVED For the Glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained, sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to: Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta Palazzo Arcivescoville 70059 Trani (BA) Italy
Spiritual Warfare Devotions
- Prayer Pamphlets
- Pray the Round in Lent / Holy Week
- Pray the Round in Easter / Pentecost
- Pray the Round in Ordinary Time
- Pray the Round in Advent / Christmas
- Round of Divine Attributes
- The Divine Will Chaplet of Hope in the Life of Luisa
- Luisa’s Prayer for dying souls
- Prayer to Luisa
- Saint Michael the Archangel
- Saint George
- Saint Benedict
- Pray the Rosary with Pope Benedict XVI
- Consecration to the Angels and Litany
- Special Command Prayer for the Pope and Holy Mother Church
- Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Children
Bishop A. Schneider Prayer
Prayer for the Triumph of the Catholic Faith By Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Almighty and eternal God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we kneel before Your Majesty, and thank You from the depth of our soul for the inestimable gift of the Catholic Faith, which you have deigned to reveal to us through Jesus Christ, True God and True man. We received this divine light in holy baptism and have promised You to keep this faith inviolate until death.
Increase in us Your gift of the Catholic Faith. By Your grace, may it be strengthened and made unshakeable. Daily increase in us the understanding of the beauty and profoundness of the Catholic Faith, that we might live in the deep joy of Your divine truth and be ready to sacrifice all things rather than compromise on or betray this faith. Grant us the grace to be resolved to undergo a thousand deaths for even one article of the Creed.
Graciously receive our act of humble reparation for all the sins committed against the Catholic Faith by the laity and clergy, especially by high-ranking clergy who, contrary to the solemn promise they made at their Ordination to be teachers and defenders of the integrity of the Catholic Faith, have become champions of heresy, poisoning the flock entrusted to them and gravely offending the Divine Majesty of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Truth.
Grant us the grace to see all the events of our life, and the immense trials our Holy Mother Church is now undergoing, in the supernatural light of faith. May we believe that You will cause to arise from today’s vast spiritual desert a renewed flourishing of faith that will adorn the garden of the Church with new works of faith and give rise to a new age of faith.
We firmly believe that the Catholic Faith is the one true faith and religion, which you invite every person freely to embrace. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the destroyer of all heresies, and the great Martyrs and Confessors of the faith, may the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith triumph again in the Church and the world, so that no soul may be lost but rather come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of mankind, and through a right faith and righteous life attain eternal beatitude in You, O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To You be given all honour and glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
+ Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana
VIDEO: Padre Bucci’s blessing Nov 2019 “May God bless you and all the groups that operate in America. We hope that the grace of God and the Divine Will may have primacy in your lives. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Pages-click first heading
- Three Fiats
- Introduction
- Who is Luisa?
- Luisa’s Transit into Heaven March 4, 1947
- St. Annibale Maria di Francia – Apostle of the Divine Will
- 17 Years
- Quotes on Luisa Piccarreta and the Divine Will
- Contemplating the Mysteries of Luisa
- Marian Movement of Priests
- Divine Mercy in the Divine Will
- Luisa Piccarreta Primary School
- Who is the Real Enemy of the Catholic Church?
- Andriana Pallotti in San Giovanni Rotondo
- Padre Pio and Luisa
- The Cause
- From the Luisa Piccarreta Association
- Opening of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta
- Please pray for the surrender of Volumes 35 and 36
- Inauguration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
- Interesting Facts about Luisa and her Writings
- Notice from Archbishop
- His Holiness Benedict XVI and Luisa Piccarreta
- Santa Maria Greca
- Happy Easter from the Association
- Homily of Archbishop Pichierri January 23, 2017
- Prayer for Abp. Pichierri and for his successor
- Episcopal Ordination of Msgr. Leonardo D’Ascenzo
- Newly Ordained Archbishop Leonardo D’Ascenzo
- St. Annibale’s Relics and New Statue of Luisa
- 2018 Miracle through Luisa
- Process of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
- Three Appeals
- Daily Schedule
- Prayers
- Good Morning and Good Evening to Jesus
- Consecration Prayer
- Yearnings for Sanctity
- Little Chaplet of Divine Will
- Nine Excesses of Love
- The Divine Will Chaplet of Hope in the Life of Luisa
- Luisa please intercede before the Throne of God for Peace throughout the world
- Please Pray the Twenty-Four Hours Holy Thur to Good Friday
- Luisa’s Prayer for dying souls
- Prayer for Priests to know the Holy Divine Will
- Prayer to Luisa
- Novena for the 69th Anniversary of Luisa’s Passing into Eternity
- St. Michael 8.2.18 Message
- Prayer from Ash Wed to Divine Mercy Sunday
- Stations of the Cross
- Novena for Luisa’s Birthday
- Novena to St. Annibale
- Nine Day Novena – Birthday of Our Lady
- Praying for Mercy in the Divine Will
- National Novena to the Patroness of the USA
- Novena to Christ the King
- Divine Will Prayer Group Meeting Format
- December 8 Hour of Grace
- Plenary Indulgence Nov 1 – 8
- Anointing with the Holy Spirit
- Consecration to Our Lady of Loreto
- One Thing Necessary
- Portiuncula Indulgence – Aug 2
- Te Deum Prayer
- Pray the Rosary with Pope Benedict XVI
- Special Intention Prayer for Our Lady of America
- Consecration to the Angels and Litany
- Call to deeper prayer
- Special Command Prayer for the President
- Special Command Prayer for the Pope and Holy Mother Church
- Pray the Round
- Reflections from the Writings
- Have confidence in Jesus, Mary and little Luisa
- July 3, 1963 Luisa’s Body Moved – The Heavenly Response
- Luisa and Resurrection
- Luisa’s Mystical Marriage and Gift of the Divine Will
- Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Surprise
- Sanctified Number 12 and The New Heavens
- Scepter of Command
- Symbolic of Luisa and the Holy Father
- The Oil of Luisa, The One Who Opens The Doors
- The Wonders our God has Done for mankind in recent days
- Healings in the Divine Will
- Luisa’s Marriage with the Cross
- One With Luisa
- We Want to Use Another Woman
- New and Divine Holiness for Pentecost
- Houses of Resurrection of the Faith
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Formation in the Divine Will
- Luisa and the Most Holy Trinity
- Advent and the Divine Will
- Rosaria Bucci Pray for Unborn
- Orthodoxy of Luisa Piccarreta’s Writings
- Participating in the Seven Sorrows through Luisa
- 17 Years
- Immaculate Conception Book
- Most Precious Blood of Jesus
- Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle
- Why does God Will the Removal of Masses, Sacraments Priests…
- JUNE 13 – Our Lady of Fatima and Luisa
- The Cross is Sacrament
- Consecration Prayer for Feast of the Assumption
- Feed My Lambs
- Luisa, Image and Likeness in the Divine Will
- Role of Priests in the Kingdom
- Luisa and Re-Entering the Womb of the Father Parts I and II
- Luisa and the Return of “My Fiat!”
- Mother’s Day
- September 23 anniversary of Rev 12 Sign
- Marriage Novena and Command Prayer
- Collection of Memories
- Calendar
- How Luisa Received the Gift
- January Calendar Daily Readings
- February Calendar Daily Readings
- March Calendar Daily Readings
- April Calendar Daily Readings
- June Calendar Daily Readings
- May Calendar Daily Readings
- July Calendar Daily Readings
- August Calendar Daily Readings
- September Calendar Daily Readings
- October Calendar Daily Readings
- November Calendar Daily Readings
- December Calendar Daily Readings
- Feasts and Novenas
- Prodigies of The Blessed Virgin Mary
- Feasts of Our Lady throughout the Year
- Holy Name of Jesus
- Epiphany and House Blessing
- Feast of the Baptism
- Feast of the Holy Family
- Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with St. Joseph
- Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord
- Feast of the Chair of St. Peter
- Luisa’s Transit Into Heaven Novena
- Lent and Fasting
- Novena to St. Joseph
- Feast of St. Joseph
- Holy Face of Jesus
- Virgin of Revelation – Our Lady of Tre Fontane
- Feast of The Annunciation
- Divine Mercy Novena
- Luisa’s Transit into Eternity
- Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)
- Make this the Lent that will change your life forever
- Novena for Luisa’s Birthday and the Oil of Luisa
- Solemnity of Easter
- Our Lady of Fatima Prayers for the six Apparitions
- Feast of Pentecost Command Prayer and Novena
- Good Friday
- Pentecost Novena with Our Lady of America
- Ascension of the Lord
- Divine Mercy Sunday
- Feast of the Holy Trinity
- Novena to St. Annibale
- Feast of St Philip Neri
- Feast of St. Aloysius
- Special Anniversary of St. Annibale
- Feast of Corpus Christi
- Feast of the Sacred Heart
- Feast of the Immaculate Heart
- Divine Mercy in the Divine Will – 33 day Novena to Ascension
- Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
- Feast of the Visitation
- Feast of the Transfiguration
- God Our Father Consecration, Feast and Messages
- Feast of the Assumption
- Novena for Our Lady’s Birthday
- Ascension Thursday Vow
- Ascension to Pentecost Novena
- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
- Exaltation of the Cross
- Feast of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Feast of the Divine Maternity
- Feast of the Seven Sorrows
- Our Lady of the Rosary
- Feast of All Saints
- Feast of Christ the King and Novena
- Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- St. Andrew Advent to Christmas Novena
- The Immaculate Conception with Novena
- Solemnity of Christmas with Novena
- Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Our Lady Queen of the Angels
- Greater O Antiphons
- Monthly Reminders
- More Books
- Priests talks, Audio recordings of Books, Videos, Titles of Luisa and more
- Prodigies of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Prayer Pamphlets
- Benedictines of Divine Will
- News and Events
- Anniversary of the Presence of Luisa in Santa Maria Greca
- Blessing of Manoppello
- Consecration to Divine Mercy in the Divine Will
- Consecration to Santa Maria Greca
- Holy Rosary from Luisa’s Room
- Message from Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider
- Padre Bucci’s Easter Blessing
- Special Anniversary of Padre Bucci, OFM
- Rosaria Bucci – special anniversary
- Pope Benedict XVI
- Salvini entrusts Italy to Our Lady
- The Vigano Tapes
- Fr. Malachi Martin interview
- God Our Fathers Message of Special Protection
- Padre Bucci’s Birthday Blessing
- Urgent Prayers for Padre Bucci
- St. Kateri and Growth in Virtue
- Special Announcement for Pope St. John Paul II
- Garabandal – Only God Knows
- Archbishop Vigano – Re-awaken America
- Jose Luis Acuna conference on Luisa Piccarreta
- Days of Light with the Association
- Luisa Piccarreta in the Church by Alejandra Acuna
- Padre Bucci – See you Soon in the Kingdom!
- President Trump addresses Catholics directly
- Prayer for the 2020 Elections
- Uninterrupted 24 Hours of the Passion starting November 2
- Arb. Vigano’s Open Letter to President Trump
- Arb. Vigano and the Jericho March
- Christmas Wishes from the Association
- Proclamation from our President on Anniversary of St. Thomas Becket
- Day of Prayer for Legal Protection of Unborn Children
- Pope Benedict XVI Enters Eternity
- Prophecy of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger
- Medicinal Plants
- True Meaning of Lent by Archbishop Vigano
- March 25, 2022 Holy Father to Consecrate Russia
- Daniel O’Connor – A Theological Response to the Korean Bishops Document
- Sister Assunta into Eternity
- Exorcist (Father Gabriele Amorth) Reveals What demons say about the Eucharist
- Thomas Lee Osborne into Eternity
- Passion Clock for Prayer Groups during Lent
- Official Website Link
- Our Lady of America
- Our Lady of America Booklet
- The Immaculate Tabernacle of the Indwelling God
- Annual Divine Will Retreat
- Is Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling Preparing Her children to Live in the Divine Will?
- Our Lady of America messages
- Our Lady of America website
- Special Day and Petition for Sister Mary Ephrem to be Servant of God
- Talks and Processions of Our Lady of America in Rome City
- 12 Ways Calendar of Our Lady of America
- 54 Days with Our Lady of America
- Jewish Fall Feasts 2021 and Our Lady of America
- Our Lady of Revelation – Our Lady of America
- St. Joseph and Our Lady of America
- Prayer and Fasting for Our Lady of America to October 13
- Sister Mary Ephrem and the 12 Ways Our Lady Appeared
- Our Lady and February 11
- The Arc, Our Lady and Luisa – for the Intentions of Our Lady of America
- Devotion Gains Further Approvals
- Our Lady of America and the Importance of Sr. Mary Ephrem
- Now is the time for the Proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom
- Our Lady of America Intercede for us
- Our Lady of America statue and Holy Mass
- Additional Apparitions to Sister Mary Ephrem
- Rosary Congress in Honor of Our Lady of America
- Prayer through the intercession of Sister Mary Ephrem
- News and Events at the Rome City Oratory
- Sample letter to Bishops for Procession of Our Lady of America
- Total Solar Eclipse on the 2024 Solemnity of the Annunciation
- Russia, Fr. Ciszek and Our Lady of America
- Luisa Saved My Life
- Languages
- Italian
- Links